Last Updated: 5/6/21 | may 6th, 2021

“Hvor skal jeg hen?” is a question I frequently ask myself.

A couple of years ago, wanting to escape the oppressive summer heat of Austin, I spent months staring at a map but unable to answer that question.

I toyed with the idea of heading to Madagascar, Hawaii, Malta, the Caribbean, the Maldives, Dubai, and Sri Lanka.

And because I couldn’t choose and was so afraid to commit to a single destination, I didn’t decide until two weeks before my trip where I wanted to go (which made planning a last-minute pain).

Years later, and after over a year spent in lockdown during COVID, this is a process that continues to play out over and over again

This is what psychologists call “choice overload” or “analysis paralysis.”

Humans only have a limited amount of decision-making power each day. It’s why people like routines. It makes life easier. choice overload occurs when we have too many choices available to us. We get decision fatigue and go with the default option thus avoiding making a decision altogether. We are sometimes so paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice that they don’t make any choice.

Think of standing in the cereal aisle. We have all these options right in front of us, but we keep going back to our old favorite, Fruity Pebbles. (Or, Cinnamon toast crunch if we’re feeling adventurous!)

We may want to try something new, but we can’t figure out what we want the most — there are just too many options! how do we choose? how do we know we won’t make the wrong choice? So, paralyzed with indecision, we go back to what we know. And, if we don’t have a favorite, often we just choose what is popular and familiar.

Contemplating our options can become such a taxing mental burden that we don’t make a decision. That’s why our minds want shortcuts. It’s how we process all the information thrown at us each day. It’s too difficult to think about every simple decision all the time. going with what you know and is familiar is how we shortcut our analysis paralysis.

(This is all explained in the 2004 book The Paradox of Choice, which I highly recommend reading.)

Think of the world as the proverbial cereal aisle. We’re looking forward to picking a cereal (a destination), but suddenly realize we have too many options. faced with so many choices and without a strong opinion (e.g., I really want to go to Thailand this fall!), we stare blankly, wondering if picking a destination is the right choice, so we end up (a) fretting about it for months like I did, missing flight deals and precious planning time or (b) end up with what is big, popular, and familiar (let’s just visit Paris for the tenth time!).

Whether we have two weeks, two months, or two years, deciding where to go is the hardest part of travel. once you have the time, picking the destination becomes a task of whittling down a long list of “must-see” destinations.

I often get so paralyzed by choice that I don’t book a trip until the last minute, and even then, I often suffer from buyer’s remorse. Did I really want to book that flight to Dubai? Or should I have gone to Madagascar instead? If I do this trip, will I have time to visit Peru later this year, or should I just go to Peru now?

Of course, when I get to where I’m going all of that second-guessing melts away and I have the time of my life.

If you’re a long-term traveler, you can go anywhere for as long as you want. but when you only have a limited amount of time — because you’re like me and slowing down, or because you just have a few weeks off from work and need to make the most of them — you have to be more selective.

So how do you narrow down your destinations, get on with your trip planning, and not suffer the anxiety that comes with choice overload?

This experience has given me a new philosophy on trip planning. I’ve changed how I decide on destinations:

First, embrace variety. You’re always going to be overwhelmed by choice. There will always be more destinations to visit than you have time to see. The list of places to visit will only get longer the more you travel, not shorter. Don’t fight it. recognize it and don’t let it control you. This is just a fact of life.

Second, start with a list of the ten places you want to visit the most. Come up with the destinations that are at the top of your mind. since I haven’t been able to travel for a year, I’m planning to visit some new destinations (like Oman and the Balkans) while also visiting some favorites like Greece.

Third, figure out when you can go and how long you have. because some destinations will require more time. And, since it’s better to do less not more when you travel, how long you have will affect the destination you pick.

Fourth, think of the time of year. Which country has the weather you want to enjoy the most? I’m trying to escape the heat of Austin this summer, which is why I’m going on a road trip so I can beat the heat and not sweat to death in Texas. If you’re traveling in the winter, chances are you want to skip the cold and head somewhere sunny.

Fifth, make the length of your travels proportional to the size of the country. If I only have a couple of weeks, I’ll likely skip large countries like India, Brazil, or China and save them for when I’m planning a longer trip. If I just have a couple of weeks, I’ll focus on smaller destinations that I can explore more in-depth during a shorter period of time.

Finally, find the cheap flights. Out of your list of destinations, where are the cheapest flights? For example, on a trip a few years ago when I was going to Dubai, it was $1,700 USD add on Madagascar but only $400 to go to the Maldives. However, thanks to airline miles, it was $0 to get to and from Sri Lanka. That made the choice easy.

Once I stopped letting too much choice keep me from making a decision and after logically going through my checklist, I stopped hemming and hawing about where I wanted to go, found my destinations, booked my trip, and got on with getting excited about visiting new places.

Gør det samme. start with your list and refine it using the above criteria until you narrow the selection down to the place(s) that makes the most sense to visit right now. The other destinations will be there for future trips!

Overcoming choice overload in travel is about first realizing that there will always be more places to visit than you have time, then figuring out what destinations fit what you can do right now. once you start with your list of destinations, getting down to the perfect one becomes a process of elimination.

There will always be too many destinations to choose from and too little time to see them in.

But, at the very least, we can finally break our analysis paralysis.

How to travel the world on $50 a Day

My new York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will teach you how to master the art of travel so that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, and have a deeper travel experience. It’s your A to Z planning guide that the BBC called the “bible for budget travelers.”

Click here to learn more and start reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical tips and Tricks
Book din flyvning
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book din indkvartering
Du kan booke dit hostel med HostelWorld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t forget travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Safetywing (bedst for alle)

Forsikre min rejse (for dem over 70)

Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Klar til at booke din rejse?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

3 Alternative ruiner på Yucatan -halvøen

Riviera Maya i det sydlige Mexico er et område velsignet med dejlige strande, velsmagende mad, venlige mennesker samt en dyb, rig historie. Med verdensberømte naturlige vidundere som Chichen Itza og fremtrædende strandruiner som Tulum er det ikke overraskende, at over 4 millioner turister ser denne solskinede kystlinje hvert år.

Men med så mange turister kan de store steder pakket med mennesker. Derfor skal jeg i dag med at liste 3 alternative ruiner, der er lige så fascinerende, dog ikke så fulde af besøgende, såvel som ligeledes giver dig et par tip til at sikre dig, at du gør det allerbedste af din rejse til en fantastisk sydlig Mexico .

Hvornår skal man besøge

Den fineste tid til at se Yucatan -halvøen såvel som Maya Riviera er i den tørre sæson begynder i slutningen af ​​november såvel som ender i februar. Der er langt mindre regn i løbet af denne tid såvel som temperaturen er ikke så varm, som den kan være i sommermånederne.

Hvor man skal bo

Der er masser af placeringer til at bo i hele Maya Riviera. Vi kunne godt lide Cancun, Isla Holbox såvel som Isla Mujeres, men for at besøge ruiner er du måske meget bedre til at basere dig selv i Merida, Tulum eller Valladolid, hvor der er mange ture til tæt på websteder samt fremragende logiindstillinger. Hvis du er på et budget, skal du inspicere et par af de allerbedste vandrerhjem i Merida, såvel som hvis du er en avanceret rejsende, har nogle dejlige egenskaber i regionen.

Hvad man skal medbringe

Hver gang du besøger ruiner i Mexico, skal du altid medbringe en hel del vand, solskærm såvel som bugspray. Et par af ruinerne i Mexico ligger i tætte jungler, hvor solen muligvis ikke er så meget af et problem, men insekterne kan være en smerte. Undervurder aldrig de ekstreme klimaer i Yucatan (selv om vinteren). Bliv fugtgivet såvel som ud af solen så meget som muligt, især mens du udøver dig selv klatringstrin såvel som at tjekke templer.

1. Ek Balam

Placering: Temozón, Yucatán, Mexico

Indgangsgebyr: 181 MXN ($ 9,80)

Konstruktionsdato: 100 f.Kr.

Tid til at besøge: 2-4 timer

Sandsynligvis vores yndlingssted på hele Yucatan -halvøen, EK Balam (hvilket betyder Black Jaguar i Maya), kan prale af den største pyramide i den nordlige Yucatan på 31 meter. Webstedet er kun 41 km nordøst for Chichen Itza, og det er hus til graven til Alfonzo Lacadina, en maya -konge begravet i den primære pyramide.

Besøgende kan gå rundt i det arkæologiske spørgsmål i timevis og søge gamle klippeskæringer, malerier, defensive vægge såvel som buegange. Du kan ligeledes klatre på 106 trin til toppen af ​​den primære pyramide for en fantastisk udsigt over de nordlige Maya -lavland.

2. Dzibilchaltun

Placering: nord for Mérida

Indgangsgebyr: 134 MXN ($ 7,25)

Konstruktionsdato: 200 e.Kr.

Tid til at besøge: 1-2 timer

En ekstremt vanskelig ruin at udtale (tzibil-chaltoon) dette gamle maya-sted er en mere, der konkurrerer med ærefrygtfaktoren for Chichen Itza såvel som alligevel kun ser en brøkdel af skarer. Fundet ca. 30 km nord for Merida var dette sted strategisk udviklet tæt på det kystproducerende område, mens det stadig findes i en frugtbar såvel som beboelig landmasse.

Dette sted blev kontinuerligt besat i utallige år, helt indtil den spanske erobringstid i 1519. Dens mest berømte struktur er templet for de syv dukker, så navngivet siden syv små (og noget uhyggelige) effigier, der blev fundet inde Templet, da det blev udgravet i 1950’erne.

Besøgende kan stadig se dukkerne på On Site Museum såvel som der ligeledes er mange andre bygninger, der skal tjekkes, inklusive ruinerne af et Colonial Open -kapel. Hver bygning er forbundet med Sacbe (White Road) såvel som der er en dejlig cenote på grunden, så sørg for at medbringe din badedragt.

3. Mayapan

Sted: 40 km sydøst for Mérida

Indgangsgebyr: 35 MXN ($ 1,80)

Konstruktionsdato: A.D. 1200-1542

Tid til at besøge: 3 – 5 timer

Hvis du ønsker at forhindre skarer af Chichen Itza, mens du stadig nyder en lignende stil med maya -ruin, kan du måske finde til Mayapan, fordi den primære struktur lige her blev modelleret efter Chichen Itzas berømte pyramide.

Mayapan er 4,2 kvadratkilometer såvel som over 4000 strukturer at udforske, så give dig selv gode tilbud. De fleste af bygningerne var boliger, pakket i forbindelsen inden i bymurene. Udbyggede områder strækker sig omkring 500 meter ud over bymurene i alle retninger. Stenens omkredsvæg har 12 porte, inklusive syv betydelige dem med dejlige hvælvede indgange.

Ifølge Dr. Bradley Russells undersøgelse, der blev offentliggjort i 2008 som hans doktorgraddissertatioN, i Mayapan’s spidsbelastningsperioder var der mellem 15.000 såvel som 17.000 mennesker, der boede inden for bymurene.

Billede via Flickr

Det primære tempel lige her såvel som det, der blev modelleret efter Chichen Itza, forstås som templet til Kukulcan (alias Castillo af den spanske) såvel som det findes øst for Cenote Ch’en Mul, som du ligeledes kan planlægge At svømme ved under dit besøg.

Undgå skarer, fordybet sig i historien

Med færre mennesker på hvert af disse websteder har du en meget bedre chance for virkelig at fordybe dig i historien. Det er nemt at gå rundt på disse historiske steder samt forestille sig, hvordan livet må have været som for 2000 år siden.

Nogle gange er det værd at ansætte en guide, mens andre gange er det bare sjovt at gå rundt i ruinerne såvel som at prøve at sammensætte historien selv. Én ting er helt sikkert, disse 3 maya -ruiner forbliver væk fra den primære turiststi, så du får en følelse af oplevelse, mens du tjekker dem. God fornøjelse!

Hvad er dine yndlingsarkæologiske steder? Vis os i kommentarerne nedenfor.

Mere læsning:

Video – Besøg Monte Alban -ruiner i Mexico

30 billeder, der vil stimulere din vandrende til Mexico

Væsentlige grænseovergangsinfo fra Mexico til Guatemala

Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geder på vejen er en Amazon -partner såvel som ligeledes et tilknyttet selskab for nogle andre detailhandlere. Dette betyder, at vi foretager provision, hvis du klikker på links på vores blog samt køb fra disse detailhandlere.

TNN: Præcis hvordan man tager en flerårig husholdningstur med Europa

Hej alle sammen,

Mange mennesker, der kan lide at rejse, stopper, da de endte med at blive forældre.

Eller de begrænser, hvor de rejser siden børnene.

At rejse til andre lande er en fantastisk metode til at udsætte børn til forskellige kulturer såvel som forskellige metoder i livet.

Sandra rejste meget inden han sluttede med at være forælder. Som mor kan hun stadig lide at rejse. Hendes barn har været i omkring 15 lande indtil videre. Hendes allerførste tur til udlandet var i en alder af 10. Da hun var 13, satte vi af sted på det, der mente …

Hej! Undskyld at afbryde men ….

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TNN: Forslag til rejse ansvarligt

hej alle sammen,

At være socialt såvel som kulturelt bevidst om nøjagtigt, hvordan vi interagerer med lande som turister eller udstationerede burde være i spidsen for vores rejseoplevelser.

Lad os pakke ud, hvad det indebærer, såvel som at opdage forslag til nøjagtigt, hvordan man er endnu bedre!

Her er videoen:

Om højttaleren

Sojourner White er en flerpassioneret rejsende såvel som socialarbejder bag platformen “Sojournies”. Hun kuraterer rejseuddannelse såvel som motivation for tusindårs rejsende, der vil tjekke ud og forstå deres jeg …

Hej! Undskyld at afbryde men ….

Det ser ud til, at du har snublet over en artikel om abonnent-kun!

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Denne korte artikel er udelukkende til medlemmer af Nomadic Matt Plus! NM+ er vores medlems eneste program, der giver besøgende som dig selv får adgang til Perk -blogindlæg. Medlemmer får ligeledes helt gratis bøger, guidebøger, blogging-kurser, får adgang til vores begivenheder, begivenhedsudskiftninger, månedlige gaver, t-shirts, specielle pengebesparende rejsemæssige rabatter samt mere!

Som medlem af Nomadic Matt Plus får du ikke kun masser af fordele til at gøre dine rejser billigere, men du hjælper os med at producere det omfattende rejsemateriale, du elsker!

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Taiwan Visa as well as e-Visa for Filipinos: exactly how to get It effectively

Update: This process is no longer applicable. Filipinos may see Taiwan VISA-FREE starting November 1, 2017, offered that they satisfy the requirements. To see the listing of requirements, read: Taiwan travel Guide.


Taiwan is one of those destinations that are simple to brush aside. It’s small, barely a dot in the world map. It’s not acknowledged by many countries as a sovereign nation. as well as it’s out of the way, detached from mainland Asia or Southeast Asia where backpacking is on overdrive.

It’s a shame, really, since when people ask me to select destinations where I would rather live, Taiwan is certainly in the top 3. Taiwan is naturally breathtaking, delightfully friendly, as well as surprisingly cheap.

But it appears like times are changing. Taiwan is slowly acquiring much more popularity among Filipinos, thanks to much more lenient as well as considerate entry policies. In 2016, the Philippines is among the top 10 countries that sent the most tourists. as well as the numbers are expected to increase after the implementation of visa-free as well as e-Visa options.

If you’re planning on going to Taiwan soon, here’s exactly how to get a traveler visa successfully.

Note: I am not affiliated with the government of Taiwan. We’re just sharing our visa application experiences. We try to response concerns to the very best of our knowledge, however it’s still finest to get in touch with TECO for any type of clarifications particularly if yours is a special case.

But wait, identify if you truly requirement a visa in the very first place.

Recently, the Taipei economic as well as cultural office (TECO) in the Philippines announced that some Filipinos will be allowed visa-free entry to Taiwan offered that they satisfy the conditions.

Your passport should still be valid at least 6 months from your entry date.

You should have an onward or return ticket (plane or ferry).

You should never have been employed as a blue-collar worker in Taiwan.

You should have at least one of the complying with papers from Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, new Zealand, Taiwan* (ROC), united kingdom (UK), united states (US) of any type of of the Schengen countries. as of June 2017, Taiwan is likewise included.

– Valid entry visa. E-visas are accepted.
– Valid local or long-term local card
– local card or visa that has expired less than 10 years before your meant entry date in Taiwan.

If you satisfy all four requirements, then what you requirement isn’t a visa however a travel Authorization Certificate from Taiwan. Here’s exactly how to get one: Taiwan Visa-Free entry Procedure

*Taiwan was added to the listing last June 2017. So if you have an existing Taiwan visa or local card that expired not earlier than 10 years ago, you may utilize that too. However, Taiwan visas bearing a remark of “FL” (foreign labor) or “X” (others) as well as local cards with the function of “Foreign Labor” are not eligible.

If you’re not qualified, checked out on!

Right now, you have two options. You can submit these papers on the internet as well as get an e-visa or you can proceed to their physical office.

To assist you figure out which is finest for you, here’s a quick comparison site from TECO itself. This is as of March 2017. Make sure you double inspect with TECO for the updated data.

Option 1: apply on the internet for an e-Visa.

The E-Visa is a single-entry visa as well as is valid for 30 days maximum as well as cannot be extended. You should likewise utilize it within 3 months after the problem date.

The excellent thing about this is that there is no requirement for proof of employment as well as extra monetary papers (at least for now).

E-Visa application was introduced in October 2016 as well as is meant for a year-long trial only. We’ll see if this will ended up being a long-term option, however for now, it’s possible to apply online. Here’s how:

Fill out the e-visa application form. You’ll discover it on this page. click on E-VISA APPLICATIONS. The type has 4 pages, as well as they’re rather simple to accomplish.

Read the acknowledgment as well as tap “I Agree.” Make sure that all the information you entered is appropriate before proceeding. You won’t be able to modification anything after this.

Take note of the Applicant Number that the next page will display. then click “Process E-Visa.”

Enter personal details on the next page, then hit “Confirm”.

Pay utilizing a Visa, MasterCard or JCB credit rating card. overall expense is NT$1,632 (PHP2670, as of Feb 2017). That already includes the NT$1,600 application charge as well as the NT$32 on the internet repayment processing fee.

Once the repayment is accepted, you will get confirmation through email. as well as then, the waiting game begins. however it won’t be that long. If whatever is fine, you ought to expect your visa within the next 3 days.

If they have muchmore questions, you may still be asked to submit documents.

Option 2: apply for a routine Visa.

Here’s a total listing of demands if you’re traveling to Taiwan for tourism. Prepare 1 original copy as well as 1 photocopy of each!

A duly-accomplished Visa Application Form. To get one, go to this page as well as select general Visa Applications. when done, print it out as well as affix your signature.

2 passport-size photos. Size: 1.5”x2”. Background: white. Taken within the past 3 months.

A passport with validity of at least 6 months. If you have old passports, submit those too.

Fødselsattest. should be NSO-issued.

Marriage certificate issued by NSO. only if you’re married.

Ansættelsesbevis. (Waived only IF you’re over 60yo.)

Financial statements such as bank statements or bank book. (Waived only IF you’re over 60yo.)

If you’re traveling for business, you should submit these extra papers:

Business name Registration Certificate as well as SEC Registration (if you’re the company-owner).

Invitation letter from the inviting company, organization or company in Taiwan.

Request letter from your employer.


Once you have all these, you may submit these at:

Taipei economic & cultural office in the Philippines
41F, Tower 1, RCBC Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati
Tel: +632 887-6688

When the office deems necessary, they may ask for much more papers or routine you for an interview.

Visa charges as well as Processing Times
Visitor Visa: P2,400, 3 working days
Expedite Processing: P3,600, 1 working day

Submission Time: Monday to Friday, 8:45 – 11:45am
Releasing Time: Monday to Friday 1:45 – 4:30pm

According to TECO:

The validity of the visa, the number of entries shall be identified by the applicant’s function of visit.

The duration of stay for a visitor-visa holder shall be identified by the applicant’s function of visit.

2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣7️⃣ • 6️⃣ • 5️⃣ – last update
2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣7️⃣ • 2️⃣ • 2️⃣8️⃣ – very first up

More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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THE finest GHOST excursions IN EDINBURGH

Last Updated: 9/13/21 | September 13th, 2021

When it pertains to spooky cities, Edinburgh takes the cake. It’s frequently thought about one of the most haunted cities in the entire world — as well as any individual who has been will be hard-pressed to argue.

When I was there a few years ago, I took part in a few of the city’s lots of ghost tours. regardless of whether you believe in ghosts or not, these excursions take you on an experience that not only teaches you a part of Edinburgh’s history however likewise leave you feeling just a bit “weird.”

Or, if you are like me, afraid shitless.

While I dislike horror motion pictures since I always discover them as well unbelievable, as Alfred Hitchcock said, a great fright comes from what people don’t see or know.

When I completed my ghost tours, I was so spooked that I refused to sleep with the light off that night. The only other time I felt such unease was after I saw The Blair Witch Project.

Whether you’re trying to find a fright or just want to discover about this historic city’s spooky past, you’ll absolutely want to take a ghost excursion during your visit. right here are the very best ghost excursions in Edinburgh to assist you make the most out of your next visit:

1. City of the Dead

City of the Dead is one of the top-rated ghost excursions in Edinburgh as well as it’s the business I went with during my very first go to to the vaults.

The underground vaults were developed in 1788 as well as utilized as storage area as well as workshops for services near the South Bridge. However, the bridge was poorly constructed, as well as water from the surface would leak down into the vaults. The vaults were then abandoned in 1795 as well as ended up being slums, turning into a red-light district with many brothels as well as pubs.

Additionally, the city’s bad called these vaults home. The spaces were cramped and dark and had poorly circulated air as well as no sunlight, running water, or sanitation. criminal offense was widespread, however by 1820, the leaking ended up being so intense that even the squatters left.

The story I keep in mind a lot of is of a woman as well as her mother. The bit woman felt somebody get hold of her hand. believing it was her mom, she grabbed back. however the hand, according to the story, “felt weird” as well as slowly kept squeezing her hand up until it hurt. When the woman said, “You’re hurting me,” the mom said, “I’m over here, honey.” The guide, moving the flashlight to the girl, discovered that she was standing alone. who held her hand? exactly how did she get separated? Jeg ved ikke. perhaps they made the story up. Or all the other stories for that matter. however moving with the vaults in the dark, with your mind in overdrive, produces an environment of unease that you want on a ghost tour.

Of course, the person jumping out of the corner in the dark doesn’t assist in any way either!

+44 131-225-9044, There are 4 different excursions offered everyday at 3:30pm, 8pm, 8:30pm, 9pm, 9:30pm as well as 10pm (hours vary in the winter, inspect the web site for availability). excursions last 1 hour as well as 20 minutes to 1 hour as well as 45 minutes as well as are not appropriate for kids under 12. Tickets are 13-17 GBP per person.

2. complimentary Ghost Tour

When it pertains to complimentary haunted walking tours, this is your finest option in the city. complimentary Ghost excursions uses everyday excursions that depart from the royal Mile, covering all the major sites as well as stories of the city such as the genuine Dr. Jekyll as well as Mr. Hyde, the haunted graveyard, witch trials, as well as the Westport Murderers.

If you’re not trying to find a scary experience, this is a great excursion for you as it’s appropriate for children. just be sure to idea your guides at the end (the entire excursion runs on tips, so be generous!).

+44 772-191-3031, excursions run nightly at 7pm as well as last 90 minutes. Admission is complimentary — just be sure to idea your guide!

3. Mercat Tours

In addition to their historical walking tours, Mercat excursions likewise offer 5 different ghost tours, including excursions for kids in addition to excursions for adults only as well. They have excursions in the haunted vaults, the graveyard, as well as with the Old town of the city

This is the only business in the city that uses vault excursions during the day, which is a great method to beat the crowds. They likewise have excursions offered in French as well as German too!

+44 131-225-5445, private excursion times variety from 11am to 9:30pm. See the web site for a lot more details. excursions variety from 1-2 hours as well as tickets begin at 17 GBP per person.

4. The Ghost Bus

The Ghost Bus is a ghost excursion on wheels, supplying a spooky ghost excursion with a comedic touch. You’ll be whisked around the city in a black double-decker bus from the 1960s while being informed as well as entertained along the way. The excursion guides are all trained actors, providing this excursion a much a lot more theatrical touch.

The buses are embellished too, making it a completely immersive experience. If you’re trying to find something a lot more special than a basic walking tour, this is it!

+44 844-567-8666, excursions are used everyday at 6pm, 7:30pm as well as 9pm as well as last 75 minutes. Tickets are 18 GBP.

5. Auld Reekie Tours

Like Mercat, Auld Reekie excursions offer a few different excursion options for any individual trying to find a fright. They have vault as well as graveyard tours, in addition to an adult-only excursion for any individual trying to find an additional scare. If you’re trying to find a frightening tour, inspect out their nightly fear Tour. It’s only appropriate for 18+ as well as will absolutely leave you wanting you had a nightlight when you get home!

Not only do they have the basic vaults excursion however you can really book out the vaults for an overnight stay if you’re feeling like an additional frighten (it’s not cheap, however it would absolutely be a unforgettable experience!).

Tours operate everyday from 10:30am-10pm. See the web site for certain excursion dates as well as times. excursions variety from 1-2 hours. Tickets begin at 14 GBP.

No matter which excursion you select or whether or not you believe in ghosts, like all great ghost tours, haunted houses, as well as Halloween exhibits, these excursions do a fantastic task of making you feel uneasy by playing on your innate concern of the unknown.

Are these locations truly haunted or is your mind just playing techniques on you?

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter — what matters is that you had fun as well as discovered something about Edinburgh as well as it’s spooky past in the process.

Just keep the light on when you get back home. depend on me.

Get Your thorough budget plan guide to Europe!

My in-depth 200+ page guidebook is produced budget plan travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff discovered in other guides as well as gets directly to the functional info you requirement to travel while in Europe. It has suggested itineraries, budgets, methods to save money, on as well as off the beaten path things to see as well as do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, security tips, as well as much more! Click right here to discover a lot more as well as get your copy today.

Book Your trip to Edinburgh: Logistical ideas as well as Tricks
Book Your Flight
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to discover a inexpensive flight. They are my two preferred browse engines since they browse web sites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned. begin with Skyscanner very first though since they have the greatest reach!

Book din indkvartering
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the greatest stock as well as finest deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize as they consistently return the least expensive rates for guesthouses as well as inexpensive hotels. My preferred location to stay in the city is Castle rock Hostel.

Undlad ikke at huske rejseforsikring
Travel insurance coverage protects you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s detailed security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it lots of times in the past. Min foretrukne forretning, der tilbyder den allerbedste service såvel som værdi er:

SafetyWing (best for nomads)

World Nomads (most comprehensive)

Forsikre min rejse (for dem over 70)

Medjet (til ekstra evakueringsdækning)

Looking for the very best business to save money With?
Tjek min ressourceside for den allerbedste forretning at bruge, når du rejser. I listing all the ones I utilize to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want a lot more info on Edinburgh?
Be sure to go to our robust destination guide on Edinburgh for even a lot more planning tips!

Tropical Resort: Where to stay in Langkawi, Malaysia

“You’re the first Filipinos to check in at this resort this year,” the manager told us after checking out. It was our second and last day in Langkawi. We spent the previous night at tropical resort in Pantai Tengah.

It was a shame to leave this early. I loved the island and I wished I could stay longer but we needed to get moving to Penang. The manager and staff were just starting to warm up to us. just the day before, we arrived at tropical resort after a full-day trip of the island and everyone seemed to be so busy. The manager was the only one at the reception, taking calls, welcoming guests, and doing a quick trip of the resort. Unlike many hotel-owners I had met in Malaysia, he was not really friendly at first; very straight forward with no effort to connect with us. but I guess he was just swamped that afternoon.

That evening, he was a different man. He initiated conversations, showed interest in where we would be going next, and shared suggestions on how we could make use of our very cramped time backpacking along the West coast of Peninsular Malaysia.

Tropical resort seems to always cut to the chase. One look at their site and you’ll be amazed and amused by their hatred towards highfalutin words. On their homepage, they’re declaring war against nonsense: We are a WYSIWYG establishment, in other words, what you see is what you get. We also do not believe in abusing adjectives and adverbs to help sell our rooms. We are what we are… We are clean, quiet and real value for money. So, if you’re searching for a budget accommodation in Langkawi, without the hassle and hustle… your best option is tropical resort Langkawi.

And if you’re planning to book a room here, then that ought to serve as a sneak peek into your future experience with them. just like their vocabulary choices, they only offer the basic accommodation needs of a regular traveler — spacious rooms, clean bathrooms with hot and cold shower, a small library, a wi-fi connection (albeit in limited areas only), and an outstanding location. No more, no less. If you want a swimming pool or a highly equipped gym or a fancy restaurant as part of the amenities, then this is not for you. but this is one of the most affordable we found in Langkawi (USD36.67 per night for a twin room) so it was much more like a case of “you get what you pay for.”

Our twin bedroom
Tropical resort is tucked in a quiet corner of Pantai Tengah, a stark contrast to the crowded and practically psychedelic Pantai Cenang, which can be reached on foot in a few minutes. Pantai Cenang is where many hotels, restaurants, and attractions are located but a walk was always a welcome treat for me, not a chore. Honestly, I believe it is the location that I liked best about this resort.

After a long evening walking along Pantai Cenang, we came back to the resort late in the evening and it was so dark. That’s probably the one thing that I did not like so much about the place. It was so dark at night I was starting to get scared. Note, though, that it was dark within the resort and not on the way there. and oh, there were mosquitoes, which they take care of by lighting several insect repellant coils every night.

We only stayed one night at tropical resort Langkawi and to put it succinctly, it was a pleasant. As they promised on their website, the it was clean, quiet, and affordable. maybe the resort doesn’t need flowery words to describe itself. When it concerns value for money, their guests will gladly offer the positive adjectives for them.

Tropical resort Langkawi
Pantai Tengah, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia
Office hours : 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

How to get to tropical resort Langkawi: From KL Sentral in Kuala Lumpur, ride the overnight intercity train to Arau Station, take a taxi to Kuala Perlis, and then board a ferry to Kuah, Langkawi. Take the cab to tropical resort in Pantai Tengah.

More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA: budget travel Guide

GREECE: ten YEARS later

Posted: 7/12/21 | July 12th, 2021

Jeg var bange. As I packed my bags, all these worries darted through my mind: would travel be just as fun and carefree as it was pre-COVID? would people still be hosteling? What would that vibe be like? would I even remember how to travel?

Sure, I was excited. I was going to Greece, a destination I hadn’t checked out in ten years!

But, as the world got back into traveling — as I got back into traveling — would it be so different I wouldn’t recognize the experience?

And what about Greece itself? how different would it be after so long, not only because of the flourish in influencer-driven selfies from the islands but also a year without tourism?

Before every trip, my afraid inner self worries about all the things that could go wrong. It screams my lingering fears and anxieties about, well, everything. I don’t let these fears stop me from traveling, but, even after all these years on the road, the old me is still there in the back of my mind, fretting about everything.

It turns out travel is just like riding a bike. As soon as I touched down in the Athens airport, my brain went on autopilot and, before I knew it, I was reading a book on the subway into town as if I had done it a million times before.

Because I had. Subways work essentially the same anywhere in the world.

And all those worries? They were for nothing. traveling in the age of COVID just indicates a lot more paperwork and a mask now and then. before my flight, I had to show my vaccination card and proof I had submitted Greece’s health screening form, as well as answer a barrage of additional questions. Masks were required on the plane, and there were paper checks when you landed. and there are health forms to be submitted before taking any ferries.

But beyond that, everything else is (mostly) the same. traveling through Greece ideal now, you don’t see lots of people wearing masks. It’s too hot, and a lot of people (at least on the islands) are vaccinated. Servers, bus drivers, some hotel staff, and taxi motorists wear them about 50% of the time. If you go into a museum or public building, you are required to wear them but it’s not common to see people in public walking around with masks.

Greece is as magical as I remember it. It’s still the land of blazing suns, picturesque landscapes, olive groves, azure water that beckons to you, jovial locals who talk with such rapidity and vigor that you think Greeks only communicate by yelling, refreshing wines, and out-of-this-world food with a variety that never seems to end. (And, ten years later, Greece is still exceptionally affordable.*)

I’m now in my third week here. I started off in Athens before swiftly heading off to Naxos, Ios, and Santorini, then arriving in Crete, where I am now.

Naxos, my favorite island in the Cyclades, is still as quiet as it has always been, but there are a lot more shops, beach bars, and boutique hotels catering to a richer clientele. Thankfully, the island is so big that it’s easy for people to spread out; there’s hardly ever a crowd.

Santorini is way a lot more developed, with a lot more boutique hotels, fancy eateries, and bougie wineries. and the prices and crowds are just as crazy as I remember them to be (though not as much as Mykonos). As I said on my Instagram, I’m not a substantial fan of this island. There are just too lots of people concentrated in a space that can’t accommodate them.

But the crowds that descend on the island are still fairly muted compared to pre-COVID standards. There are fewer cruise ships each day and not as lots of regular travelers. If I’m finding it crowded now, I can’t even begin to think of how crowded it need to have been pre-COVID.

And the hostel scene I was so anxious about? Well, all over Greece, it’s still raging. Hostels are still the bustle of energy they used to be. Sure, they aren’t as crowded as before but I can say that hostel life has not been destroyed by COVID. While some hostels are limiting the number of people in dorms, hostels have been fairly crowded with plenty of backpackers seeking to meet other travelers.

Overall, I don’t feel like Greece has changed that much. Sure, credit scores cards are widely accepted now, prices are a bit higher, and there’s a lot more luxury stuff for tourists, but its essence hasn’t changed. It’s still got the same character.

(And Crete? Wow. What an extraordinary place. I am thankful I finally made it here. but a lot more on that later in a longer post just about this island.)

Being back in Greece has reminded me of the happiness of travel. sitting on the water’s edge, diving into a fish with a glass of white wine, I felt just so dang happy. I was feeding my body, but a lot more importantly, I was feeding my soul. Greece has been the antidote to the malaise I’ve felt considering that the pandemic began.

That year-plus of drifting denied me my passion in life: travel. What does one do when they can’t do what they love anymore? It wasn’t like I had made a decision to retire. I was forced to take a break.

Now, I am back at it and already have found that there is simply not enough time to do everything I want to. My month in Greece looks like it will turn into five weeks, and as I stare at a map of Europe and think, “Where to next?” my mind creates a million itineraries and possibilities.

But that is a Future Matt problem. present Matt has observed that it’s dinnertime here in Crete, and as the sun sets, another seaside restaurant in Chania, with its freshly caught fish and chilled glass of white wine, is calling me.

And that’s a call I simply can’t resist.

*Note: I’ll have a post on costs soon.

Get Your thorough budget guide to Europe!

My in-depth 200+ page guidebook is made for budget travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff found in other guides and gets straight to the functional information you need to travel while in Europe. It has suggested itineraries, budgets, ways to save money, on and off the beaten path things to see and do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, safety tips, and much more! Click here to learn a lot more and get your copy today.

Book Your trip to Greece: Logistical ideas and Tricks
Book Your Flight
Brug Skyscanner eller Momondo til at finde en billig flyvning. They are my two favorite search engines because they search web sites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. start with Skyscanner first though because they have the greatest reach!

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the greatest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the least expensive rates for guesthouses and low-cost hotels. My favorite places to stay are:

Paraga beach Hostel (Mykonos)

Caveland (Santorini)

Francesco’s (Ios)

Glem ikke rejseforsikring
Rejseforsikring vil sikre dig mod sygdom, skade, tyveri og aflysninger. Det er detaljeret beskyttelse, hvis noget går galt. Jeg tager aldrig på en tur uden det, da jeg har været nødt til at bruge det mange gange i fortiden. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Sikkerhedsfløj (for alle under 70)

Insure My trip (for those over 70)

Medjet (til yderligere hjemsendelse af hjemsendelse)

Looking for the best companies to save money With?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want a lot more information on Greece?
Be sure to check out our robust destination guide on Greece for even a lot more planning tips!

Fountain of riches at Suntec City, Singapore: The World’s largest Fountain

“It’s the largest fountain in the world,” my good friend Mimi stated as she ushered us out of the building to an alfresco area that harbored a shallow man-made pond.

“Den der?” I asked while flashing a look that excellently expressed disbelief. “That bit fountain at the center of the pond? That’s the largest in the world?” As the words came out of my mouth, the ideal side of my brain was sarcastically taunting the left, Am I being Punk’d?

Obviously, I had seen fountains bigger than that one. great deals of them. That fountain that geysered in the middle of the pond in the middle of Suntec City was absolutely not the greatest in the world. It would not even make it in my classification of massive, not even big. Heck, not even medium.

“Not that, silly,” Mimi corrected. She then led my eyes to the diagonal pillars that prolong from the ground as much as a few stories high. A gigantic sound overhead linked them. She directed at it as well as stated as-a-matter-of-fact-ly, “That’s the fountain. The whole location is the fountain, actually.”

Oh. Okay. Fantastiske.

The location is called the Fountain of Wealth. provided as the largest fountain in the world by the Guiness book of Records in 1998, it is the centerpiece at Suntec City, one of the greatest as well as a lot of prominent buying shopping centers in Singapore. The fountain is located at the center of five office buildings, which represent fingers as well as the fountain the palm. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes wealth.

This gigantic fountain pertains to life only at night. The sound overhead sprays jets of water around the smaller fountain, while lights paint colors in the towering cylindrical fluid wall that develops as a result. The thin pond is likewise dotted with pin lights that terminate beams of light that add to the already wonderful environment of the place.

Screenshot of Suntec City shopping center page on
In the daytime, the bigger fountain rests as well as the small stream of water at the center takes the spotlight. however checking out this smaller fountain isn’t the only thing that you can do here. There’s a narrow boardwalk that runs across the water to the fountain that visitors can take to do a short ritual for great Luck. Here’s exactly how to do it:

Steps for the great things from the Fountain

Yes, yes, I did it, too. Not that I believe in it. I just wished to experience it considering that I was already there.

The genuine concern right here is: Is the Fountain of riches worth visiting? Well, honestly, not for me. however if you’re going to Suntec City to do some shopping, then you may also decrease by particularly at night.

Update: According to, the Fountain of riches will be closed from September 1, 2012 to June 2013 for upgrade. You may get in touch with Suntec City’s client hotline to be sure.

How to get here: Take the MRT as well as alight at Esplanade or Promenade Station. just comply with the signs. You won’t get lost.

Suntec City Mall
3 Temasek Boulevard, Singapore
68252668 / 68252669

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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CHUBU CENTRAIR airport to NAGOYA or GIFU CITY: By Bus and By Train

Japan’s tourism is growing relentlessly, especially over the past few years. There’s no surprise there. Japan has always been one of the top destinations in the world, a target for lots of travelers and a bucket list staple for would-be travelers. but what changes this time around is the aggressive promotional efforts of regional, prefectural, and local tourism boards, coupled with the sophisticated developments in transportation. Airports are becoming a lot more topnotch both in design and attractions, and railway companies come up with a lot more options to make journeys a lot more convenient and seamless.

This is probably a lot of obvious in central Japan. If you’re flying to Nagoya soon, you’ll be greeted by the Chubu Centrair international Airport, one of the most exceptional airports in the country, and to get to the city center, you’ll get to try the lots of transportation modes built by Meitetsu (Nagoya Railroad), one of the greatest railway companies in central Japan.

In this post, we’ll share with you how exactly to reach the city center of Nagoya and Gifu from the Chubu Centrair international Airport.

Hvad er dækket i denne vejledning?

Chubu Centrair international airport vs Nagoya Airport
Traveling by TrainCentrair to Nagoya City center by Train
Centrair to Gifu City by Train

Traveling by BusCentrair to Nagoya City center by Bus

Central Japan Pass to Consider: Shoryudo Bus Pass3 Day Pass: Takayama-Shirakawago-Kanazawa Course
3 Day Pass: Matsumoto-Magome-Komagane Course
5 Day Pass: large Course

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Chubu Centrair international airport vs Nagoya Airport

Before anything else, note that Chubu Centrair international airport (aka central Japan international airport or simply Centrair) is different from Nagoya Airport. Centrair is now the primary gateway to Nagoya and central Japan. It is the greatest and busiest airport in the region and the eight busiest in the country, serving over 11 million travelers as of 2017.

Centrair (NGO) lies on a manmade island off the coast of Tokoname City in Aichi Prefecture, 35 km from the center of Nagoya, 28-60+ minutes away, depending on your mode of transportation. If you’re coming from abroad, there’s a big chance that you will be using this airport.

Nagoya airport (NKM), on the other hand, used to be the main gateway until 2005 when the flights were moved to Centrair. It’s also called Komaki airport or Nagoya Airfield. It’s closer to Nagoya city center, only 20 minutes away, but only Fuji dream Airlines uses it commercially.

This post only covers Centrair.

Traveling by Train

The Chubu Centrair international airport has a train station which is part of the Meitetsu airport Line. This line connects the airport directly to the city centers of Nagoya, Gifu, and Inuyama.

On Hyperdia, you can find the airport station as “CENTRAL JAPAN international AIRPORT”, the Meitetsu Nagoya station as “MEITETSUNAGOYA”, and the Meitetsu Gifu station as “MEITETSU GIFU”.

There are three main types of trains operating to and from the airport:

Regular Train. This may be local or semi-express train. It will make a lot more stops along the way, which indicates longer journey. No reservation required.

Limited express Train. This makes fewer stops so the travel time is shorter. limited express Trains have both reserved seats and non-reserved seats. If you choose to reserve a seat, you will need to pay an additional ¥360 fee on top of the fare. If you don’t reserve a seat, make sure you board a non-reserved car.

μ-SKY (MU SKY) limited express Train. Running at 120km/hr, this is the fastest option and can take you to downtown Nagoya for only 28 minutes. It’s a top-quality train that features wheelchair-accessible restrooms with diaper-changing racks onboard and two luggage storage sections in each car, aside from the overhead racks. The seats also recline, making your journey a lot more comfortable. All seats are reserved so an additional ¥360 charge applies on top of the fare.

The train station is connected to the airport terminal building by an area called access PLAZA on the second floor.

Centrair to Nagoya City center by Train

At the Arrival Area, walk to the train station. You’ll see plenty of signs so just follow them.

At the station, board the train to Meitetsu Nagoya Station.

It’s that easy. travel time and fare depends on the type of train:

Regular train
Travel time: 48-60+ minutes
Fare: ¥870

Limited express train
Travel time: 37 minutes
Fare: ¥870 (if you choose to reserve a seat, + ¥360)

μ-SKY limited express Train
Travel time: 28 minutes
Fare: ¥870 + ¥360 reserved seat fee

Centrair to Gifu City by Train

Centrair is also directly connected to Gifu City! If you take the limited express or μ-SKY limited Express, no need to transfer to another train. but if you’re taking the regular train, you need to switch trains.

BY regular TRAIN

VedArrival Area, walk to the train station.

Take the Meitetsu Tokoname/Airport Line bound for Shinkani.

Alight at Jingumae Station.

Transfer to Meitetsu Nagoya Line bound for Gifu.

Alight at Meitetsu Gifu Station.

BY limited express OR μ-SKY limited express TRAIN

At the Arrival Area, walk to the train station.

Board the μ-SKY or limited express train to Meitetsu Gifu Station.

Travel time and fare depends on the type of train:

Limited express train
Travel time: 66 minutes
Fare: ¥1340 (if you choose to reserve a seat, + ¥360)

μ-SKY limited express Train
Travel time: 58 minutes
Fare: ¥1340 + ¥360 reserved seat fee

Traveling by Bus

Centrair to Nagoya City center by Bus

Aside from the train, you can also take the Meitetsu airport Limousine Bus to get to several parts of the city. The bus leaves platform #6 of the Centrair Bus terminal and makes stops at a few areas in the city including Sakae and Fushimi-cho before terminating at Meitetsu Bus center at the Meitetsu Nagoya Station.

Here’s how to do it:

Walk to platform #6 of the Centrair Bus terminal and wait for your bus.

Board the bus and get a numbered ticket on your way in. There is a ticket maker inside, by the door, on your ideal side.

Before alighting at your destination stop, drop the numbered ticket and coins into the designated slots. If you’re paying with a ¥1000 bill, you can insert it in a separate designated slot.

You can also pay using Manaca, Meitetsu’s IC card, which will allow you to conveniently ride the buses and trains without having to pay in cash or purchase a ticket before each ride. If you have this card, you simply need to hover the card above the sensor. ICOCA, Pasmo, and Suica cards work fine too.

Travel time: 50 minutes to Sakae and 78 minutes to Meitetsu Nagoya Station.

Fare: ¥1200 (adult), ¥600 (child)

There’s a bus every hour from 08:15 am to 10:15 pm. Here’s the current schedule.

Central Japan Pass to Consider: Shoryudo Bus Pass

If you’ll be checking out multiple destinations across central Japan, consider getting a SHORYUDO BUS PASS, which can get you a lot of savings!

Meitetsu uses various Shoryudo bus passes that allow unrestricted travel to and from lots of of the region’s crucial destinations, including access to the Chubu Centrair international Airport. This indicates that if you have this pass, you can use it immediately upon your arrival at the airport.

There are three courses available. choose one that best fits your itinerary!

Klook uses discounted rates for these bus passes!


3 Day Pass: Takayama-Shirakawago-Kanazawa Course

Price: ¥7500.

This bus pass enables unrestricted travel on highway buses to and from Chubu Centrair Airport, Nagoya, Gifu City, Takayama City, Shirakawa-go and even as far as Kanazawa and Toyama.

3 Day Pass: Matsumoto-Magome-Komagane Course

Price: ¥7000.

This bus pass enables unrestricted travel on highway buses to and from Chubu Centrair Airport, Nagoya, Magome, Matsumoto, Komagane, and Nagano.

5 Day Pass: large Course

Price: ¥13000.

This ticket gives you unrestricted access to both highway buses and route buses to and from major attractions like the central Japan Airport, Gifu City, Gero City, Takayama, Gokayama, Shirakawago, and Shinhotaka. aside from these, Toyama, Kanazawa, Matsumoto, and Takaoka are also covered.

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